1級2次試験対策&発信力UP講座Version UP!

1級2次試験対策&発信力UP講座Version UP!
Dear highly motivated learners of English;
Recently I have created the ranking of English qualification tests based on prestige and skill development through 30 years of teaching「英検1級対策講座(The First-grade EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency prep course)」, 20 years of teaching「TOEFL対策講座(TOEFL prep course)」, 15 years of teaching「TOEIC対策講座(the TOEIC TEST prep course)」, 15 years of teaching「通訳案内士対策講座(Interpreter-guide Test prep course)」, 12 years of teaching「工業英検1級対策講座(English Technical Writing Test prep course)」, 5 years of 「ミシガン英検(The Technical English Proficiency Test)」, 8 years of teaching 「国連英検特A対策講座(United Nations Associations Test of English)」, 25 years of teaching「英検1準1級対策講座(the Pre-first grade EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency prep course)」, and 5 years of teaching「JTFほんやく検定対策講座」.

Ranking     Qualification Tests
Rank 1 英検1級
Rank 2 iBT TOEFL、工業英検1級
Rank 3 国連英検特A、通訳案内士、IELTS、英検準1級
Rank 4 TOEIC SW、ミシガン英検1級、ケンブリッジ英検プロフィー
Rank 5 観光英検1級、商業英検1級、翻訳検定1級

I placed 英検1級(The First-grade EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency) at Rank 1 because of its high-level problems in vocabulary, reading & listening comprehension, and essay writing as well as the advanced-level speaking test on social topics. However, 「英検1級」without the Speaking Test would be outranked by iBT TOEFL with a well-balanced evaluation of reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills, which has recently been highly valued by 文部科学省(the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, MEXT).
Another important thing I must tell you from my teaching experience is that even holders of many advanced qualifications including「英検1級」still don’t have enough speaking and/or writing skills in English. In fact, very few of them have confidence in their abilities to discuss social topics in English even after passing「英検1級」or 「国連英検特A」. That is why our「英検1級2次対策」designed to develop students’ argumentation and critical thinking abilities is very useful and appealing even to 「英検1級」license holders. In order to enhance your skills in argumentation and essay writing most effectively, I have just upgraded the Eiken 1kyu Speaking Course(英検1級2次対策) program as follows.

2013年 冬学期
1. 2次試験合格に必要な論理的思考力&アーギュメント力[oral defense(反論をさばく)能力]を徹底的に鍛える。

2. 準備してスピーチを書いて行うトレーニングと(最重要約50トピックと重要トピッ

3. 毎回、スピーチトピックとそれに関する質問3~4問を授業前に受講者に送り、

4. パフォーマンスの評価を行い、合格率を判定し、弱点を発見し、スコアUPのため


日程  内     容
1回 12/7 教育に関するトピックのスピーチ&Q&Aトレーニング
① Is the Japanese education system a good model for other countries?
② The value of studying philosophy in modern world
③ Has technology changed education for the better?
④ Should specialist knowledge of a subject qualify a person to be a teacher?
⑤ Does university education prepare young people for real life?
⑥ Is modern technology making people less creative?
① Is academic performance the best indicator of future success in life?
② Should contemporary politics be taught in schools?
③ Do young people today lack direction in their lives?
④ Which should schools emphasize more, competition or cooperation?

2回 12/14 文化に関するトピックのスピーチ&Q&Aトレーニング
① Agree or disagree: Art makes an essential contribution to society
② Is multiculturalism in society a good thing?
③ Does religion provide good moral standards for society to follow?
④ Should more be done to promote equality for women in Japan?
⑤ The pros and cons of conformity
⑥ The importance of preserving our cultural heritage
① Are the arts a good way to promote international understanding?
② The value of an arts degree vs. a science degree in the real world
③ Is it possible to eliminate racism?

3回 1/11 メディアに関するトピックのスピーチ&Q&Aトレーニング
① Agree or disagree: The Internet should be free from censorship
② Does advertising have too much influence on our lives?
③ Does the media in Japan promote Western values?
④ Is it possible to report the news objectively?
⑤ Are modern telecommunications creating a common world culture?
⑥ Does the media have too much influence on politics?
① Are women portrayed accurately on TV today?
② Are advantages in telecommunications making it less important to meet
people in person?
③ Are people today becoming less interested in the news?

4回 1/18 医学に関するトピックのスピーチ&Q&Aトレーニング
① Does Japan’s health-care system need to be reformed?
② Healthcare: prevention versus cure
③ Is the family becoming less important in today’s world?
④ The company versus the family in modern Japan
⑤ Should terminally ill people have the right to choose when they die?
⑥ Do arranged marriages have a place in modern society?
① Do fathers today play a big enough role in their children’s upbringing?
② What responsibilities should people have to their parents?
③ Can working parents play a sufficient role in raising their children?

5回 1/25 環境に関するトピックのスピーチ&Q&Aトレーニング
① Has human impact on the natural environment been exaggerated?
② Can economic development be achieved without damage to the environment?
③ Should people be prepared to change their lifestyles to help protect the environment?
④ Will renewable energy sources ever completely replace fossil fuels?
⑤ Is the extinction of some plant and animal species inevitable?
⑥ Can animal testing be justified?
① Is it possible to make large cities more environmentally friendly?
② Is government action the key to dealing with climate change?
③ Are environmental groups making a difference?
6回 2/1社会問題・犯罪に関するトピックのスピーチ&Q&Aトレーニング
① Are people in today’s world becoming more socially isolated?
② Does modern society encourage selfishness?
③ Should Japan make more efforts to achieve gender equality?
④ Are senior citizens discriminated against in today’s society?
⑤ Is reducing poverty the best way to tackle crime?
⑥ Can the use of capital punishment be justified?
① Has urbanization in Japan gone too far?
② Is the declining population the biggest problem facing Japanese society?
③ Prevention vs. cure in the battle against crime

7回 2/8 経済に関するトピックのスピーチ&Q&Aトレーニング
① Will the gap between rich and poor people in Japan increase in the
② Will Japan’s predicted labor shortage cause a major crisis?
③ Should more be done to help the working poor?
④ Japan’s role in the global economy
⑤ The pros and cons of capitalism
⑥ Should large corporations take their social responsibilities more
① Should large companies in Japan make English their official language?
② Can Japanese companies remain competitive in today’s global economy?
③ Can age restrictions in the workplace be justified?

8回 2/15サイエンス&人生哲学&スポーツに関するトピックのスピーチ&Q&Aトレーニング
① Can the costs of space exploration be justified?
② Do the benefits of cloning outweigh the dangers?
③ Is scientific progress always beneficial?
④ “Ignorance is bliss”-do you agree?
⑤ How important is self-esteem?
⑥ Do competitive sports build character in children?
① “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”-do you agree?
② “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”-do you agree?
③ Do professional athletes have a duty to serve as positive role models?

9回 2/22 政治に関するトピックのスピーチ&Q&Aトレーニング
① Is the problem of terrorism likely to get worse?
② Agree or disagree: Japan’s political systems needs to be reformed
③ Should more public services be privatized?
④ Can the government be trusted to spend taxpayers’ money wisely?
⑤ What qualifications and experience should a world leader have?
⑥ Can violence ever be justified in support of a political cause?
① Agree or disagree: Japan should play a more active military role in world
② Should countries spend less money on defense?
③ The future direction of Japanese foreign relations
① Is the Japanese education system a good model for other countries?
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Japanese education system?
Do you think that the Japanese education system reformed? How and why?
Which level of the education system is problematical?(the elementary through graduate level)
2. What country offers an ideal education system that can serve as a good model for other countries? What are the characteristics of the education system?
3. Is the American and British education system a good model for other countries?
4. What do you think about the Chinese and Indian education system?

② The value of studying philosophy in modern world
1. Is philosophy a more important subject to study than the other subjects?
What benefits does philosophical study bring to society?
2. If not, what is the most important subject to study in modern world?
3. What will happen to our society if people don’t study philosophy?
4. How different are philosophical people from nonphilosophical people?
5. Do you think that study of philosophy is getting more and more important in modern society?

③ Has technology changed education for the better?
1. How has technology changed education both positively and negatively?
2. What would have happened to education without technology
3. What technology is or will be necessary to improve education?
4. What country is advanced in the use of technology in education?
5. Is that country a good model for other countries by the use of technology in education?

④ Should specialist knowledge of a subject qualify a person to be a teacher?
1. Does the answer to this question depend on the level of education?
2. What is necessary to qualify a person to be a good teacher other than specialist knowledge? What is the most important one of all?
3. Should teachers be responsible for parenting their students?
4. Should teachers provide moral education to their students?
5. Do you think the quality of teachers has been declining?

⑤ Does university education prepare young people for real life?
1. Do you think that it is necessary for university education to prepare young people for real life? Why?
2. How should university education be reformed to serve that purpose?
3. What country offers an ideal college education?
4. How do you compare Japanese college education with that in other countries like the US, the UK, China, India, etc.?

⑥ Is modern technology making people less creative?
1. What is creativity? How is creativity related to individuality?
2. Are creativity and individuality important in modern society?
3. How can creativity be developed?
4. Is creativity highly valued in Japanese education?
Can Japanese education develop people’s creativity?
5. What country has education that can develop people’s creativity?

⑦Is academic performance the best indicator of future success in life?
1. If not, what is the best indicator? What are the second and third best indicators of future success? Do they depend on the occupations?
2. Is college education really necessary most people?
3. Does academic endeavor develop character? Does it make people selfish?
4. What are the key ingredients of success in life?

⑧Which should schools emphasize more, competition or cooperation?
1. Which do schools develop competitive or cooperative spirits more?
2. How do you compare Japanese education with that in other countries in the development of competitiveness and cooperativeness?
3. What will happen to society if school education develops only either one of them?

⑨Should contemporary politics be taught in schools?
1. How is political education going in Japan and other developed countries like the US, the UK, and China?
2. Has the problem of political apathy been caused by a lack of political education?
3. Which level of education should teach contemporary politics?
How can contemporary politics be taught effectively in schools?

Let’s enjoy the process!(陽は必ず昇る!)  Ichay Ueda

In the last term almost all the seminar participants passed the Eiken Speaking Test(英検1級2次試験), and I would like to show you some of the feedback on the training for the exam for future reference.

植田先生の授業やそこに集まる生徒さん達が素敵な方ばかりでした. お蔭で大変よい刺激を受けることができました。

ようやく,手元に合格証書が届き,喜びを噛み締めております。そして、この試験の対策勉強を通じて色々な事を学んだと思います。対策として、まず、植田先生にこの試験は、現代社会の試験であり,新鮮なネタを準備するのが必須なので、推薦書のエコノミスト社のMegachange 2050を読みました。次に、植田先生の質疑応答に基づいて,問題・質問の趣旨をメモ書きし、最後に,解いた問題を音読し,うまく言えない表現や,不適切な表現を入れかえる、という方法論になんとかたどりつきました。植田先生はじめ事務局の皆様に大変感謝しております。ありがとうございました。

この度、2次89点で、英検1級を突破することができました。実は、私はHarvard大学院に1年間の留学経験があり、英検1級くらいはと軽く考えていました。1次は難なく合格したのですが、2次は58点で不合格となり、どうしたものだろうかと思い、アクエアリーズの門を叩きました。Ichy先生の講義は、「眼からうろこ」の連続でした。まずは、スピーチの組み立て。3つ、4つの論点が即座に出てくるように、idea fluentとなる訓練。そして、そのkey factorを明快にサポートしていく構成の訓練。恥ずかしながら、留学経験があるにも関わらず、この英語の「発信力」のベースを初めて学ぶことができました。QAセッションの練習では、スピード重視で、答えにくい質問が矢継ぎ早に出され、本番以上の白熱感がある授業でした。その結果、2度目の2次試験では、Short Speechは27点、Interactionについては満点の30点を取得することができました。 これらの英語発信力の向上のみならず、アクエアリーズに通学することには大きな利点があります。アクエアリーズには、様々なバックグラウンドの方々が集まっています。これらの方々と、英検2次の題材となる社会問題についてディスカッションすることは、企業社会のなかで視野が狭くなりがちの私にとっては、大変新鮮なものでした。毎回の授業は、有意義かつ大変楽しいものであったように思います。

カテゴリー: 未分類 パーマリンク