2015年10月11日 英検1級エッセイライティング問題攻略法


Can international terrorism ever be eliminated?
□ Economic inequality □ Education □ Financial costs
□ Historical background □ International relations □ Military action

まず、それぞれの語句がproとconのどちらに使えるかを判断します。するとeconomic inequality, financial costs, historical backgrounds, military actionsは、背景知識がある人ならconsのキーポイントであることが判断できるので、反対論のエッセイが書きやすいことがわかるでしょう。educationもlack of education, fanatic educationとすればcon, international relationsもconflict-prone international relationsとすればconに使えます。proで書くとすると、 redress economic inequality through increased ODAとか、provision of proper education、improvement of international relationsなどを使ってかけないことはないが、それは条件であって何時のことが予測がつかないので苦しいアーギュメントとなります。

Nowadays terrorism is one of the most serious problems in the world. Especially since the September 11 attacks there have been public discussions about how to deal with international terrorism. (時間が余ってドラマチックにするなら、Especially the September 11 multiple terrorist attacks sent a shockwave throughout the world, igniting a storm of controversy over international terrorism[generating serious concern about international terrorism])として、Personally, I believe that international terrorism cannot be eliminated for the following three reasons.と少し唐突ですが、字数制限のためボディに移ります。

Firstly, there is a long history of religious, ideological, and territorial conflicts that can lead to terrorism in many parts of the world. For example, deep-seated animosity between Arab and Israel as well as between the Arab world and Western countries sometimes cause extremist groups to commit terrorist acts.

Secondly, economic inequality or poverty, which is a breeding ground for terrorism, has been widening with increasing globalization. People in dire poverty, desperate for survival and jealous of wealth in Western countries, may resort to terrorism to vent their resentment against their poverty and huge income disparities.

Thirdly, (in addition to their extremely high financial costs(本当はこれを言うと細かくは4つにもなるが入れてしまいます), military actions can cause an endless vicious circle of violence and resentment. The Bush administration’s war on terrorism, for example, caused terrorists’ resentment against the US without eradicating international terrorism.
In conclusion, for the above-mentioned three reasons, historical background of religious and territorial conflicts, increasing economic inequality, futility of military actions despite their huge costs, it is extremely difficult to eliminate international terrorism.





Let’s enjoy the process!(陽は必ず昇る)
アクエアリーズ学長  植田一三(Ichay Ueda)


カテゴリー: 未分類 パーマリンク